Case Law

Categories: Case Law

With order No 32020/2022, published on 28 October 2022, the Italian Court of Cassation, IV civil section, expressed its opinion on the distinctive features that differentiate straining from mobbing. The proceedings arise from the appeal presented before the Court of Paola by a municipal employee who complained of having been subjected to malicious conduct by ....

Categories: Case Law

In its order no. 21453 of 6 July 2022, the Court of Cassation stated that if there is a company transfer, a worker reinstated after the employment contract term’s ineffectiveness was confirmed, is treated as transferred ex lege to the transferee. Facts of the case The case concerns the effectiveness of a business transfer for ....

Categories: Case Law

The assessment notice issued by the Labour Inspectorate, if not opposed or confirmed by the Regional Committee, is an administrative act, which can become an enforcement order without the assessment being made final, which can be challenged. With order no. 23744 of 29/07/2022, the Court of Cassation confirmed this, and stated that the warning notice ....

Categories: Case Law

In ruling no. 26246 of 6 September 2022, the Court of Cassation resolved the legal contrast about the statute of limitations start date for employee claims in companies with more than 15 employees, clarifying that, after Law no. 92/2012 ( “Fornero Reform”), the statute of limitations no longer starts during the employment relationship. Facts of ....

Categories: Case Law

In its ruling no. 20 of 27 May 2022, The Court of Udine stated that absence from work without providing any justification to force the employer to dismiss for unjustified absence, is unlawful. Such conduct constitutes resignation by facta concludentia, even without complying with the electronic procedure. The Court ruled that a worker who did ....