Categories: Case Law
With ruling n. 780 of 5 October 2015 confirming the decision of the first instance judge, the Court of Appeal of Milan, Employment Section, declared the legitimacy of dismissal for exceeding the protected period notified to a worker after more than one year from the expiry of the protected period itself and after a period ....
Categories: Case Law
The Labour Section of the Court of Appeal of Milan, with its first-time ruling n. 218/2013, complied with the most recent case law of legality, which has changed its approach in the light of multiple changes to legislation made due to the effect of EU rights on internal regulations regarding rights to be recognised to the agent in ....
Categories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 23609 of 18 November 2015, the Court of Cassation returned to the subject of the selection criteria followed by the employer at the outcome of the personnel layoff procedure. Specifically, the Court reiterated that the employer, when he defines the selection criteria as per article 5 of Law 223/1991 in the ....
Categories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 22627 of 5 November 2015, the Cassation Court confirmed the lower court decision, declaring that, following the introduction of the Collegato Lavoro (Law 183/2010), the statute of limitations and ineffectiveness of the challenge of a dismissal as per article 6 of Law 604/1996 also applies to managers. Basically a manager, like ....
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Justice of the European Union, with sentence no. C-422/14 of 11 November 2015, intervened on two central points of the European directive on collective redundancies (98/59/EC). In this case (i) the calculation criteria for company size which makes the law governing collective redundancies applicable and (ii) the notion of redundancy useful for ....