Case Law

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 6150 of 13 July 2015, the Court of Milan clarified that if the relative contract contains a penalty preserving employment for the fact claimed against an employee, dismissal of such employee is considered illegal, with his consequent right to be reinstated in his job (in addition to payment for damages).

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 5076 of 13 March 2015, the Cassation Court en banc session confirmed that in terms of social security contributions, the additional sums due by the taxpayer for omitted or late payment of contributions or insurance premiums, are part of the category of civil penalties.

Categories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 16472 of 5 August 2015, the Cassation Court clarified that, in the presence of repeated absences from work due to illness, the employer cannot dismiss a worker for poor performance.

Categories: Case Law

The Milan Court, Labour Section, with an order of 6 May 2014, ruled regarding litigation on appeal as per article 414 of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure concerning sentencing of the employer: a) to the consequences contained in article 18 of the Workers’ Statute for the adopted discriminatory dismissal; b) to pay the salary ....

Categories: Case Law

With ruling no. 14310/2015, the Court of Cassation declared disciplinary dismissal for poor performance legitimate for an employee dismissed by a telephone service provider. The employee in question had reached income levels between October 2008 and March 2009 lower than the individual performance he had achieved in a previous period and that of his colleagues.