Case Law

Categories: Case Law

With regard to the so called “Fornero” procedure the Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 10133/2014, clarified that the decree (which is immediately enforceable according to art. 1, par. 49, Law no. 92/2012) is subject to the ordinary rules of the civil challenge.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 9226/2014, specified that once the agent disregarded the exclusivity of the area assigned he/she is not entitled to claim the payment of commissions regarding bargains concluded by the company - directly or through other agents - in such area.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with judgment no. 9180 of April 23, 2014, moving away from a previous case law guidance (judgments no. 49/1997 and no. 6923/1996), stated that amounts paid by the employer are not exempted from social security contributions just because paid in compliance with a settlement agreement.

Categories: Case Law

Brescia Court of Appeal, with judgment of April 3, 2014, stated the nullity of the clause regarding the term when exceeding the 15% percentage threshold set in the mail offices sector by art. 2, par. 1-bis, of the Legislative Decree no. 368/2001.

Categories: Case Law

The second stage of the so called “Job Act” regards the amendment of the social security “cushion”. Among these ones, the bill, pending of the approval of the Government, provides for amendments on requirements and duration of the redundancy fund.