Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 25730 of November 15, 2013, stated that production bonus represents a supplementary element of the salary which cannot be considered as company custom.
Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 2639 of November 26, 2013, stated that the dismissal of an employee that set up a program to download music and movies for free in the company laptop is unlawful.
Categories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 26143 filed on November 21, stated that the recording of colleagues’ conversations, unknown to them, is a reason justifying dismissal, though the recording was aimed at proving “mobbing”.
Categories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 24259 of October 28, stated that the outsourcing of the most qualified activities of a service, in case of employee’s refusal to be seconded to the external company or to perform a different task corresponding to his/her job position, is able to legitimize the dismissal if alternative positions suitable for him/her in the same company do not exist.
Categories: Case Law
Una cassiera del supermarket perde il lavoro perché si porta a casa i premi previsti per i clienti. Il licenziamento è legittimo, ha confermato la Corte di Cassazione, sezione lavoro, con sentenza n. 24588/13, respingendo le osservazioni della lavoratrice la quale aveva contestato la mancata esposizione, nel luogo di lavoro, del codice disciplinare.