Case Law

Categories: Case Law

Una cassiera del supermarket perde il lavoro perché si porta a casa i premi previsti per i clienti. Il licenziamento è legittimo, ha confermato la Corte di Cassazione, sezione lavoro, con sentenza n. 24588/13, respingendo le osservazioni della lavoratrice la quale aveva contestato la mancata esposizione, nel luogo di lavoro, del codice disciplinare.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 20913 of September 12, 2013, stated that technical, organizational and productive reasons justifying the transfer of the employee must be described in detail and must not be generic.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 21922 of September 25, 2013, rejected the appeal of a company against the decision of the Court of Appeal which stated that employee’s behavior who claimed her new duties must be assigned in writing is lawful.

Categories: Case Law

Court of cassation, with sentence of September 30, 2013, no. 22321, stated that the ten-year blameless behavior and the will of refunding the damage caused to the employer save the employee who pockets the reimbursement of a trip never done from the dismissal.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with the sentence no. 17204/2013, stated that the employer is exempted from the obligation to obtain the consent of the employee in order to carry out preliminary investigation aimed at exercise his/her right.