Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence No. 4709/2012, stated that the employee may refuse to execute his/her working activity if the transfer measure is not properly motivated.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence No. 11465/2012, stated the principle based on which a company, which needs to obtain a more efficient management in order to face an economic downturn, may dismiss an employee for “justified grounds” (so called “giustificato motivo”).

Categories: Case Law

The Supreme Court, with the sentence no. 9965 of the April 11th, 2012, stated that the employer who reinstates only partially an executive of the company union representative, just paying the salary and acknowledging him/her the trade rights but refusing his/her work performance, is subject to administrative sanction provided for by the art. 10, par. 8, of the Law no. 300/70 (so called “Statuto dei Lavoratori”) (i.e. payment of an amount equal to the daily wage due to the employee, for each day of delay, in favour of the INPS Fund for the pensions adjustment).

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with the sentence no. 9644 of the June 13th, 2012, stated that with reference to the disciplinary sanctions the advertising guarantee of the disciplinary code through the post accessible to everyone, is not applied in case the disciplinary proceeding is referred to circumstances regarding a breach of basic duties related to the employment relationship.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with judgment No. 9199/2012, stated that the employer should not simply adopt safety measures at work suggested by the fully-developed technology, but has also to supervise that these measures are applied by the employees.