Case Law

Categories: Case Law

The compensation of the sales representative shall be seized up to the fifth. Court of Cassation, acknowledging the so called “par condicio” between public and private sector after the last legislative reforms, with the sentence no. 685 of January 18th, 2012, rejected the appeal triggered by creditors of a sales representative who claimed a seizure superior to a fifth of the sales representative compensation.

Categories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 38927 of October 27, 2011, has stated that the employer who, with the purpose to gain the benefit of the ordinary or extraordinary layoff, has not revealed the existence of several orders involving significant amounts which evasion would allow the ordinary activity of the company without suspending the retributive obligation and the consequently fallout of the costs on the collectivity, commits the crime of aggravated fraud (art. 640-bis of the Italian Criminal Code).

Categories: Case Law

The Constitutional Court, with sentence no. 303 of November 11, 2011, declared lawful the system for compensation introduced by the so called “Collegato Lavoro” for the fixed-term employment contracts. The provision on which the Supreme Court pronounced its opinion is Article 32, paragraphs 5 and 6, of Law no. 183/2010 which establishes an indemnity, whose amounts ranges between 2.5 and 12 monthly installments, which has to be paid by the employer to the employee in the event that the latter obtained the conversion of a previous fixed-term employment contract into an open-ended one.

Categories: Case Law

The Court of Milan, with reference to the legitimacy of a fixed-term contract for substitutive reasons, with sentence no. 5020 of October 25, 2011 clarified that the fixed-term hiring contract for the substitution of an employee in maternity leave is valid also when the absence reasons change (in this particular case, the absence continued for holidays).

Categories: Case Law

Through sentence no. 37398 of October 17, 2011, the VI Criminal Section of the Court of Cassation stated that the employee who, in order to avoid liberty restriction (incrimination and employment loss), gives false declarations that allow the employer to elude investigations, is not punishable for aiding and abetting.