Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
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Decree Law no. 14 August 2020, no. 104 (the “August” Decree) which extends the Prohibition of dismissalperiod for individual and collective redundancies following a staff reduction, introduced by the “Cure Italy” Decree for 60 days and extended by the “Relaunch” Decree until 17 August 2020. The August Decree precluded collective and individual dismissals for objective ....
Categories: Do you know that
With judgment No. 150 lodged last 16 July, the Constitutional Court has declared article 4 of Legislative Decree No. 23 of 4 March 2015 constitutionally unlawful , with limitation to the words “for an amount equal to a monthly salary of the last pay of reference for calculating the severance pay for each year of ....
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Last 25 June the Constitutional Court press office issued a release stating that the Court had examined, on 24 June, the issues on the constitutionality raised by the Courts of Rome and Bari regarding the criteria for determining the indemnity to pay in the presence of a dismissal vitiated only from a formal and procedural ....
Categories: Do you know that
An amendment to the Liquidity Decree was approved in the House Committee on 21 May last, which relieves employers of any liability whatsoever in the event that employees should contract COVID-19 in the company, provided that the relevant protocols are followed. The amendment states, verbatim, that: “For the purposes of safeguarding against the risk of ....
Categories: Do you know that
Urged by requests for protection from some bicycle couriers who proposed an emergency appeal, as per article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedures, the Court of Florence (Florence Labour Court 1 April 2020) first, and then Bologna’s (Bologna Labour Court 14 April 2020) ruled that food delivery platforms have an obligation to provide them ....