Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
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Article 46 of the Cura Italia Decree, containing urgent measures to contrast the COVID 19 emergency states that “beginning from the date the degree goes into effect starting any proceedings as per articles 4, 5 and 24 of Italian Law no. 223 of 23 July 1991 is prohibited for 60 days and pending proceedings started ....
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Il diffondersi del nuovo virus COVID-19 (cd coronavirus) impone alle aziende di aggiornare il Documento di Valutazione dei rischi (cd DVR), tracciando il nuovo rischio biologico ad esso collegato. Ciò in quanto il datore di lavoro: (i) ai sensi dell’art. 2087 cod. civ., ha il dovere di apprestare tutte le misure di sicurezza al fine ....
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The Court of Cassation, with judgement no. 1663 of 24 January 2020, extended the rules on employment to riders. According to the Supreme Court, the regime of autonomy of the workers regime is intact in the genetic phase of the agreement (the worker being free to oblige himself or not to provide the service) but ....
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Law 157/2019 converting, with amendments, Decree Law 124/2019 was published in Official Journal 301 dated 24 December 2019. “Tax Decree“). Therefore, as of 1 January 2020, companies that entrust one or more works or one or more services for a total annual amount of more than €200.00 to a company – through “a contract of ....
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On 2 November 2019, the Official Journal published Law no. 128 converting Decree Law. 101/2019 containing urgent provisions for the protection of employment and for the resolution of corporate crises (i.e., the “Business and Corporate Crises Decree“). The law confirms the classification of riders in the context of the partnerships referred to in Article. 2 ....