DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Interviews

In the recently approved Aiuti ter decree, there is a squeeze on provisions applicable to employers with more than 250 employees who intend to lay off at least 50 employees, due to branches or plant closure as part of a definitive business termination. De Luca & Partners managing partner lawyer Vittorio De Luca, said: “The ....

Categories: Interviews

New paths. A changing of the guard after 50 years. Mergers and openings for “external” partners. Different paths There isn’t just one way to plan change. This can be done by looking beyond the family circle.  De Luca & Partners recently opened up to those outside the De Luca family and appointed lawyer Stefania Raviele ....

Categories: Interviews

The latest Inps data show that this year’s use of the Extraordinary Redundancy Fund has increased by 45.65%. Widespread fears that this data will worsen rapidly, making appropriate government measures necessary. Rising energy costs and the difficulty in finding raw materials herald a tough autumn for Italian companies. Firms which are grappling with multiple critical ....

Categories: Interviews

Economy asked some questions to De Luca & Partners Managing Partner Vittorio De Luca about remote working. From today 1 September 2022,   remote working, cannot be carried out without a precise individual agreement with the worker. Economy asked some questions to De Luca & Partners Managing Partner Vittorio De Luca. WHEN WILL EMPLOYERS WITH REMOTE ....

Categories: Interviews

De Luca & Partners Managing partner and labour lawyer Vittorio De Luca explained to Verita&Affari: “This is a perfect storm between inflation, war, and increases in energy and raw material prices.”  The worst thing is that the government has little room for manoeuvre to contain the wave of layoffs that are likely to arrive in ....