DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Interviews

Vittorio De Luca talks about the main effects of the Jobs Act that through the new changes introduced in the matter of flexibility at end of employment, which reduce the possibilities of reintegration and introduce financial compensation, has indeed revolutionised the job market in Italy. According to the statistics of the Ministry “of Justice, lawsuits ....

Categories: Interviews

On 7 October 2016, Vittorio De Luca guest-starred in “Italy under Investigation”, the program presented by Emanuela Falcetti on Rai Radio 1 and he talked about the employer’s right to verify the truthfulness of workers’ claims of illness. Click here to listen to the interview.  

Categories: Interviews

The “increased protection based on seniority” of the new contract, applies to hirings after 7 March 2015. For the others article 18 is still valid, a dual system with many paradoxes. A dual dismissal system, where legislation uses double standards, based on the categories of workers. This is the scenario that, according to Vittorio De ....

Categories: Interviews

The comment of Mr. Vittorio De Luca regarding the impact of the Jobs Act was quoted in an article written in Corriere Economic on 4 July 2016. The opinion of specialised lawyers at a year and a half from the reform. Positive effects. Contributions, taxes and requirements to decrease. A year and a half from ....

Categories: Interviews

The comment of Mr. Vittorio De Luca regarding company welfare was quoted in an article written in Corriere Economic on 27 June 2016. Everything seems ready for the start-up of a project to provide incentives for company welfare. Clarifications have arrived from the Ministry of Labour and the Italian Tax Authority for the provisions included ....