Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Interviews
The story of a Romanian employee fired for his private messages sent from the office is making almost all employees nervous. Can companies really fire people for chatting or browsing online for personal reasons? Here is the interview given by Mr. Vittorio De Luca to the magazine Panorama. Source: Panorama ....
Categories: Interviews
What social shock absorbers does the Jobs Act include in the event of dismissal? And how do they reconcile with protections for maternity? We spoke with Elena Cannone, a lawyer from the De Luca & Partners law firm in Milan, specialised in employment law. Unemployment benefits (Italian mobilità) during pregnancy. This social shock absorber regards ....
Categories: Interviews
On March 31st, Vittorio De Luca released a television interview concerning the impact of the Labour Law reform on the employment trend in Italy.
Categories: Interviews
Vittorio De Luca was a guest on 19 June at Rai News 24 to comment on the recent implementing decrees of the Jobs Act.
Categories: Interviews
Thanks to the approval of the implementing decree, these are the novelties introduced as of last June. The most important one regards the extension of parental leave up to 12 years of the child’s life (up to 6 to 30 percent of the salary). “The possibility of using leave by hours, instead of by day, ....