DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

At the sitting of 23 February 2017, the Chamber of Deputies finally approved Draft Law C. 4304 for conversion into law, with amendments, related to the Law Decree no. 244 dated 30 December 2016, bearing the extension and definition of terms (the so-called “One thousand extensions decree”) Regarding labour law, the measure in question, among ....

Categories: Legislation

Legislative Decree No. 253/2016 which regulates the conditions of entry and stay in Italy of foreign employees as part of intra-corporate transfers was published in the Official Gazette of 10 January 2017. The aforementioned decree, in force since 11 January, contains the provisions necessary for the transposition of Directive 2014/66/EU dated 15 May 2014, the ....

Categories: Legislation

With the entry into force of Law no. 199/2016 on 4 November 2016, the predicate offences entailing the administrative liability of entities set forth by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 (hereinafter the “Decree”) now include illegal intermediation and exploitation of labour (known as the “gangmastering”). More specifically, the measures set forth by section 25 quinquies of ....

Categories: Legislation

Section 7-quinquies of the law which converted decree no. 225 dated 1 December 2016 containing “Urgent fiscal measures and measures for financing non-deferrable requirements ”, published in Official Gazette no. 282/2016, provides an authoritative interpretation of the definition of “earnings from work carried out on assignment” and “travelling worker on assignment”. In particular, paragraph 6 ....

Categories: Legislation

On 7 December 2017, the Senate definitively approved bill no. 2611 relevant to the “Government Budget for the 2017 financial year and the multi-annual budget for the three-year period 2017-2019” (the so-called 2017 Finance Bill). The main developments in terms of “employment” include: (i) the increase in the value of production bonuses with a fixed ....