Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
With its order of 4 January 2024, the Court of Ravenna referred to the European Court of Justice the judgment of the Italian legislation on the calculation of absences from work caused by disabling diseases in the protected period (periodo di comporto). The question posed to the European Court of Justice can be summarised as ....
Categories: Legislation
The draft Italian Legislative Decree on international taxation (implementing Italian Law of 9 August 2023, no. 111, containing “Delegation to the Government for the revision of the tax system”) which contains the new regime for impatriate workers is currently being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies within the Italian Parliament. At present the text amends ....
Categories: Legislation
With Ruling of 14 September 2023, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, ‘DPA’) found that the processing of data carried out by a company appointed to read gas, electricity and water meters (the ‘Company’) was unlawful, confirming that the employer has an obligation to provide a full response to ....
Categories: Legislation
In order no. 29337 of 23 October 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that dismissal for objective reason in the event of refusal to work part time (or vice versa full time) is not in itself unlawful, but involves a redetermination of the justified objective reason and the burden of proof placed on the ....
Categories: Legislation
Decree of the Italian President of the Council of Ministers (‘Decree’) of 6 July 2023 set out the guidelines for planning entry flows of foreign workers for the three-year period 2023-2025. The Decree provides the criteria for determining new entry flows, setting a three-year quota of a total of 452,000 admissions for employees (both seasonal ....