DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

Amongst the main new developments introduced by the Stability Law for 2016, the amendments made to article 51 of the Consolidated Tax Act (TUIR) are particularly important. In particular, the measures foresee a personal income tax (IRPEF) exemption for: (i) supplies and services (aimed at education, training, leisure, welfare services and health care, religion) which, ....

Categories: Legislation

The employment presumption, introduced by article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 81/2015, does not apply to the collaborations (i) for which the collective bargaining agreements foresee specific rules; (ii) rendered in practising a profession for which it is necessary to be entered in a specific Roll, as well as (iii) rendered by directors and members ....

Categories: Legislation

Also the holders of VAT numbers, just like freelance work coordinated by an employer (namely, the so-called co.co.co.), must comply with the provision under article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 81/2015 in force as of 1 January 2016. In short, all self-employed freelance work having the features foreseen by the aforesaid rule (personal nature and ....

Categories: Legislation

Law no. 208 (so called “Stability Law for 2016”), issued on December 28, 2015, entered into force on January 1st, 2016. Such Law confirms exiting measures for reduction of the tax wedge on employment and, in the meanwhile, introduces new ones. Significant novelties have been also introduced in relation to social security contribution and social ....

08 Jan 2016

Categories: Legislation

Increasing productivity of work by encouraging work-life balance: this is the objective of the Government, which has presented a draft law on smart working. In this paper, which will be released after approval of the Stability Law, one of the two sections deals exclusively with smart working, that is distance work, regardless of the geographical ....