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Categories: Legislation
As this newsletter was being prepared, the final four implementing decrees of the Jobs Act were approved. Specifically, the national agency for active policies (Anpal) and sole watchdog agency will debut, and individual unemployment checks will become effective as well new rules on remote controls on employees and on social shock absorbers.
Categories: Legislation
The Government, with the aim of creating new employment opportunities for those excluded from the job market, introduced a new form of professional training apprentice contract with the new decree overhauling contractual types (Legislative Decree no. 81/2015). This type of apprenticeship is for those who receive unemployment benefits (Aspi, Naspi, agricultural and construction unemployment) or long-term unemployment.
Categories: Legislation
Two new decrees implementing the wide employment law reform of 2015 (so-called Jobs Act) have just been published on the Italian Official Gazette
Categories: Legislation
The so-called “Code of contracts”, contained in Italian Legislative Decree no. 81 which became effective 25 June 2015, dedicates the entire 5th section to the outsourcing of work, which has been reinforced in a context of a complete revision of the previous laws as per the Biagi Decree (Legislative Decree 276/2003). With the specific reference to the outsourcing of short-term work, the delegated legislator, on one hand has confirmed the “acausal nature” of the same without time limits (unlike the 36 months established for a short-term contract) and at the same time has introduced new bans. With this Reform, the user no longer has the option to use this type of work or layoffs or redundancy benefits in the event of a company crisis, which were all allowed previously.
Categories: Legislation
The enactment of the legislative decree on the subject of overhaul of contract types has resulted in the repeal of the provisions of articles 61 – 69 bis of Italian Legislative Decree 276/2003.