DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

On 6 November 2014, the Chamber of Deputies gave final approval to the bill (S. 1612) to convert Decree Law No. 132/2014, which is aimed at improving the overall efficiency of civil lawsuits. Below is a summary of the main revisions.

Categories: Legislation

In Judgment No. 23381, entered on 3 November 2014, the Court of Cassation held that it is permissible to provide for a new probation period under a second employment contract concluded between the same parties for the same job, where the called-for probation is designed to meet the needs of a more complete evaluation about the employee’s personal and not just professional aptitudes in relation to the definitive nature of the responsibilities assigned to him.

Categories: Legislation

The European law, which was just adopted by Parliament, has taken into account the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of last 13 February (Case C-596/12), where the Court held that Law 223/1991 was invalid to the extent that is excluded the obligation to comply with the procedure for staff reductions with respect to managers.

Categories: Legislation

As a result of the European law just adopted by Parliament, which sets forth how the procedures concerning collective redundancies are to be applied to managers, the rules and practices to be followed in this regard have changed considerably.

Categories: Legislation

The new draft of the stability law raises the ceiling for relief from social security contributions to EUR 8,060 (from EUR 6,200) for new hires with permanent contracts and confirms that starting 1 January 2015, subsidised contracts will cease for workers who have been unemployed for more than two years (as provided for in Law No. 407/1990).