Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, in answer to question no. 33/2013 made by the National Council of Labour Consultants, pointed out that when a "cause impediment" (referred to in table A attached to Ministerial Decree of October 24, 2007) the DURC (“Unique Document of Contribution Regularity”) is not released from the assessment date of the violation.
Categories: Legislation
Inail, with note n. 52 of October 23, provided the framework of the rules for the accidents “in itinere” occurred to the employee during missions, in the hotel room and during travelling from the hotel to the work place.
Categories: Legislation
The text of the inter-ministerial decree on the new parameters for the granting of Special Redundancy Fund (so called “Cassa Integrazione Guadagni in deroga”), which will be presented this afternoon by Welfare Secretary Carlo Dell'Aringa to the work commission of the state-region-autonomous provinces Conference, provides for the maximum duration of the intervention of 12 months in two years "mobile", and not "yearly", and the coverage of income support for 2014 across the Solidarity Funds supported by the contributions of employers and employees.
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, with the ruling no. 32/2013 to Confimi’s question, summarized the legal framework for the agents in respect to Enasarco compulsory registration, stating that, in compliance with EU regulation, the agent who performs his/her activity abroad for a duration not exceeding 24 months, has to be enrolled in Enasarco register.
Categories: Legislation
The Stability Law 2013 did not only exclude the possibility for employees dismissed for objective reason by small companies (hired less than 15 employees) to be enrolled in the mobility lists but, above all, did not refinance the incentive in favour of such employees.