Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
INAIL, with letter No. 48/2012, has established that the employer has to request the opening of a separate territorial insurance position for the regularized employees through a complaint of variation (if he already has an INAIL company code) or a complaint of registration (if he is not enrolled at INAIL).
Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, with note No. 12728/2012, has postponed, up to a date to be determined, the possibility to send by fax or email the communications regarding the job on call contracts to the Local Authorities called “Direzioni Territoriali del Lavoro”.
Categories: Legislation
The so called “Pacchetto Semplificazioni” - drafted by the Government and under the exam of the next Council of Ministers – provides a reduction of the working ability (46% rather than the current 60%) as a consequence of an accident or illness at work requested to the employee in order to be included in the number of disabled employees who have to be mandatorily hired (Law No. 68/99).
Categories: Legislation
The procedure for the regularization of the non-EU employees - which began on September 15, 2012 - needs many explanations yet.
Categories: Legislation
The deadline for delivering the request for excluding the application of the pension reform approved by the Decree so called “Salva Italia” (Law Decree No. 201/2011, converted into Law No. 214/2011) to the territorial Authority of the Ministry of Labour (so called “DTL”) is November 21, 2012.