Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
The Council of Ministers approved the bill on the labor market reform.
Categories: Legislation
The obligation to specify the reason (technical, organizational, productive or replacing reasons) to justify the use of a fixed-term contract has been deleted in the bill regarding the labor market reform.
Categories: Legislation
The main provisions of the labor reform - which will be applied to both the existing contracts and the future ones - will be: (i) in case of dismissal for economic (or objective) reasons, a compensation equal to from 15 up to 27 monthly salaries;
Categories: Legislation
The social security reform, provided by Law Decree No. 201/2011 aims at harmonization. In 2021, in fact, men and women will retire for old age at 67 years.
Categories: Legislation
The Italian Revenue Agency, with memorandum No. 3/2012, clarified that also the coordinated and continuous collaborators, including the governing directors of company, are entitled to benefit from the system of separate taxation on the compensation received in connection with the termination of collaboration, up to the limit of one million Euros.