Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
On February 24th, 2012, the Council of Ministers approved a Legislative Decree which identifies three cases in which the supplied work without stating the relevant reason is allowed.
Categories: Legislation
INAIL, with note No. 1100/2012, specified that the facilitated system introduced by the Legislative Decree No. 167/2011 (so called “Consolidated Act on Apprenticeship”) for the hiring of employees enrolled in the lists of mobility with apprenticeship is not applicable to the insurance rates, but only for social security contribution purposes.
Categories: Legislation
INAIL, with note No. 434/2012, specified that the apprenticeship contract is lawful even in case of written agreement lack, as long as the employment relationship has been communicated to the competent authority (so called “Centro per l’Impiego”) trough the mandatory communication so called “UniLav”.
Categories: Legislation
INPS, with memorandum No. 21/2012, brought up to date the minimum daily salary amount limits as well as the other values related to all social security contributions to comply with, in the first useful monthly installments, by the employers who are required to send to the relevant Institutes the several declarations concerning the social security contribution.
Categories: Legislation
With the note no. 141/2011, Italian social security Institute (so called “INPS”) run the temporary period to pass to the on-line modality for the application to obtain the ordinary layoff.