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Categories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labor, with the answer to the question no. 40/2011 of October 26 proposed byConfcommercio and Confartigianato, specified that the work apprenticeship disciplined by art. 4 of the Legislative Decree no. 167/2011 (which came into force on October 25) may be set up for a maximum of 5 years period not only by handicraft companies but also by company of every other sector for technical-professionale activities, also when different National Collective Labor Agreement are applied to the employees.
Categories: Legislation
The law of stability comes to Senate with a new endowment of 835 million Eur in order to fund, for the fourth year of legislature, the tax reduction applicable to the part of salary related to the productivity.
Categories: Legislation
INPS, with note no. 19772/2011, clarified that in the calculation and payment of the days of maternity leave public holidays, Sundays and Saturdays (in the case of short week) falling during holidays, illness or other absences have not to be considered.
Categories: Legislation
On October 10th, 2011, the Legislative Decree No. 167/2011 (“Consolidated act of apprenticeship”), after more than two months from the approval by the Council of Ministers, was published into the Official Gazette.
Categories: Legislation
The Law on the apprenticeship (Legislative Decree no. 167/11) punishes in administrative way the lack of written form of the apprenticeship contract.