DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

The Law Decree no. 78/2010, article 30, passed with Law no. 122/2010, has modified the proceedings concerning the cashing of INPS debts – deriving from both declaratory action and contribution not paid – with the abrogation of the rolls system and the introduction of a debit note as writ of execution.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with memorandum no. 119/10, has indicated the other modality for sending the disease certificates to INPS with the employer certified mail (so called “PEC”), as provided by the Ministerial Decree 26 February 2010.

Categories: Legislation

After one year by the enacting of the Law Decree no. 78/2009 (Law no. 102/2009) concerning provisions against the economic shortage, the rules to make effectiveness the specific provisions on the preservation of the job have been specified by INPS, with the message no. 20810/2010, concerning the social contributions profiles matters, and by INAIL, with the note dated 2nd July 2010, concerning the calculation of the insurance bonus.

Categories: Legislation

The Ministry of Labour, answering to questioning no. 20/10, confirmed that, in case of transfer of business, the social security contribution’s reliefs set forth under art. 8, par. 9, L. no. 407/90 will automatically pass from the transferor to the transferee for the residual part and until the expiration.

Categories: Legislation

INPS, with memorandum no. 99/10, clarified the operating instructions to be applied to the new discipline of the abroad detachment of employee, as introduced by the EU Regulations no. 883/04 and 987/09 became effective from 1 May 2010.