Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Legislation
Effective 1 April 2010 the "Unique Notification for the establishment of enterprise" is mandatory. It was introduced by art. 9 of Law no. 40/07 and must be used for all fulfilments on the Company Register, Tax Agency, INPS (Social Security Admin.) and INAIL (National Insurance against Injuries at Work) for the start up of companies.
Categories: Legislation
In the opinion of the Supervisory Authorities Members Association (Associazione dei componenti degli Organismi di Vigilanza - AODV), the Supervisory Authority (set forth under the Legislative Decree 231/01 regulating the administrative liability of the companies) should be set up as a collegial board, consisting of representatives with specific reputation requirements and open to the participation of internal professional figures.
Categories: Legislation
The Italian Senate has definitively approved the so called “work related act” to the financial law.
Categories: Legislation
On 20th February next, it will come in to force the rules contained in the Legislative Decree no. 5/2010 implementing the EU Directive no. 54/2006 concerning equal of opportunities and treatment between women and men at work.
Categories: Legislation
The Finance Act for 2010 has been finally approved. The so-called ‘Welfare Package’ has brought about many changes.