DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Legislation

Published in the Official Gazette no. 176 of 24 July 2021, Law no. 106 of 23 July 2021, (hereafter the “Conversion Law“), converting Decree-Law no. 73 of 25 May 2021containing “urgent measures related to the COVID-19 emergency, for businesses, work, young people, health and regional services” Support Decree-bis). The measure entered into force the day ....

Categories: Legislation

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), with its ruling of 17 March 2021 (case C-652/2019), decided on prejudicial issues raised by the Court of Milan on 5 August 2019 on the legitimacy of the collective dismissal provisions contained in the Jobs Act. Facts of the case The case regards an employee hired ....

Categories: Legislation

The Fondo Nuove competenze – FNC (New Skills Fund) was introduced by article 88, paragraph 1, of the “Relaunch Decree” (Decree Law no. 34/2020) and subsequently amended by Article 4 of the August Decree (Decree Law no. 104/2020). It is a tool with a twofold purpose introduced during the emergency – to allow workers to ....

Categories: Legislation

According to ordinary fixed-term contract rules (Art. 19 et seq. of Legislative Decree no. 81/2015), the extension exceeding 12 months and a renewal must be justified by one of the following reasons: temporary and objective needs, unrelated to normal operations, or needs to replace other workers; needs associated with temporary, significant and unforeseeable uptakes in ....

Categories: Legislation

The reform of transnational posting became officially effective as of 30 September 2020, following publication of the Italian Legislative Decree 122/2020 in the Official Gazette, implementing EU directive 2018/957, adding a series of amendments to the current legislation on the subject contained in Italian Legislative Decree 136/2016. First of all the scope of rules on ....