DLP Insights

DO YOU KNOW THAT… The Conversion Law of the Growth Decree was published in the Journal

Categories: DLP Insights, Do you know that | Tag: reduction of premiums, expansion contract, Growth Decree

26 Jul 2019

Law 58/2019 was published in the Official Journal 152 of 1 July 2019 containing the “Conversion into law, with modifications, of Decree Law no. 34 of 30 April 2019 (Editor’s Note so-called Growth Decree), containing urgent measures for economic growth and the resolution of specific crisis situations”. There are various innovations relating to labour and welfare. First of all, as from 2023, the 32.7% reduction mechanism of premiums and contributions due to INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) anticipated for the year 2019-2021 becomes structural. The facilities for workers returning to Italy are also extended for workers returning after residing abroad for certain periods (the so-called return of the brains). Specifically (i) the threshold of non-taxable income is raised; (ii) stays abroad are limited to 2 years and (iii) the possibility is also extended to workers who are not highly specialised and independent workers. Furthermore, the requirement of having to register with AIRE from the time of transfer abroad is excluded for those returning starting from 2020. The expansion contract is introduced on an experimental basis for the years 2019 and 2020. This provision concerns companies with more than 1000 employees, including the stipulation of the relevant agreement at the Ministry of Labour with the intervention of the social parties. In particular, (i) the CIGS is envisaged for a maximum of 18 months for reductions in working hours of up to 30% and (ii) the possibility of early departure for redundant employees who only have a maximum of 5 years to reach the pension requirement. It provides relief from social security contributions for the permanent employment of young people who have graduated with a mark of 110 cum laude before the age of 30 years or PhDs under 34 years, for a maximum of 12 months and up to a maximum of 8000 euros per year. Last but not least, the allocation of the necessary resources to encourage the recruitment of permanent staff under 35 years of age or unemployed for more than 6 months in the southern regions has been reconfirmed, carried out in the period between 1 January and 30 April 2019, i.e. the period left uncovered by the ANAPL implementing decree (so-called South Bonus).

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