DLP Insights

Co.co.co. (contract for continuative and coordinated services): Clarification of Law No. 81/2017

Categories: DLP Insights, Legislation | Tag: agreement, art. 409 of the code of civil procedures, Contract for continuative and coordinated services, coordination, freelance work, accordo, art. 409 cod. proc. civ., autonomia, coordinamento

27 Jun 2017

Article 15, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Law No. 81 dated 22 May 2017(the so-called Jobs Act of Self-Employed Individuals), published in the Official Gazette on 13 June 2017 and entered into force on 14 June, in discussing the contract for continuative and coordinated services, introduced, leaving unchanged what was established in Legislative Decree No. 81/2015, a clarification of art. 409, No. 3, of the code of civil procedures. Specifically, it is established that services “are understood as coordinated when, in compliance with the coordination arrangements established in common agreement between the parties, the worker organizes his or her work independently“. This means that a “co.co.co” is in place whenever the parties, while agreeing on the coordination arrangements, leave full autonomy to the worker on how to carry out the assignment.

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