The Decree 31 May 2010, No. 78, has been published in the Italian Official Gazette. With this act the government has adopted the financial act for 2011 and 2012 of 24.9 billion Euro. The decree has also regulated some labour law related issues. Below, some of the provisions introduced:
Ø It has been established the compatibility between the enrolment at INPS (National social security institute) – dealer management – and the enrolment at INPS – separate management;
Ø It has been amended the arrangements for the pension treatments;
Ø the recovery of the amounts due to INPS, as for 2011, will be carried out by an executive notice of charge;
Ø it has been provided a 10% add-on tax to be paid on the stock options and on the other variable fees that exceed three times the fixed payment salaries;
Ø it has been provided some changes in tax and social security proceedings;
Øif the amount of severance pay (TFR) is more than 90thousand Euros, it will have to be paid in two annual amounts, while where the amount exceed the 150thousand Euros it will be paid out in three annual amounts.
The Italian Supreme Court, in its decision no. 807 of January 13, 2025, has once again addressed the legitimacy of employer monitoring of employees’ corporate email accounts. The Court reiterated that while an employer may access an employee’s company email, this action is only lawful if there is a well-founded suspicion of illegal conduct. Information ....
With note no. 9326 of December, 9, 2024, the National Labour Inspectorate (i.e. “Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro” or “INL”) provided an overview of the new sanctions regime introduced by Article 27 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 81/2008, as amended by Italian Decree-Law 19/2024 (converted by Law 56/2024). This regime applies to all violations concerning the ....
In its ruling no. 2058 of January 29, 2025, the Italian Supreme Court confirmed the legitimacy of a just cause dismissal for an employee who had publicly defamed her superiors via social media. The case and the first-instance decision This case concerns an employee who was dismissed for just cause after posting defamatory statements on ....
With ruling no. 2618 of February 4, 2025, the Italian Supreme Court upheld the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause of an employee who, while on parental leave, engaged in parallel employment, thus abusing this right. In the case in exam, during his parental leave, the employee had started a car-buying and selling businesswithout ....