Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Practice
Since last 9 April, the employees of the telecommunications sector have also been the recipients of welfare measures. Indeed, through a specific trade union memorandum of agreement, the signatories of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement have implemented the provisions under the Plan Agreement for the Renewal of the aforesaid collective bargaining agreement of 23 November ....
Categories: Practice
Through its circulars No. 6 and No. 7 of 2018, the Ispettorato nazionale del lavoro (namely, the national labour inspectorate or “INL”) has fixed the guidelines on the supply of labour, starting from the content of judgement No. 254/2017 with which the Constitutional Court ruled on the scope of application of article 29 of Legislative ....
Categories: Practice
The National Labour Inspectorate (“INL”), with its circular No. 5/2018, has given operational instructions on the problems concerning the installation and use of audiovisual aids and other control instruments. According to the INL, should any employees be filmed, the latter should take place as a rule accidentally and occasionally, but nothing prevents the direct shot ....
Categories: Practice
Last 9 March, Italian Trade Unions Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl and Uil, after years of unsuccessful attempts, have signed the so-called “Patto di Fabbrica”, which sets out a framework of shared rules on bargaining, industrial relations, representativeness, welfare and corporate security. The main objective of the Agreement is to modernize and newly define the industrial relations ....
Categories: Practice
The Data Protection Authority, on 26 March 2018, published on its official website a series of clarifications regarding the appointment and duties of the Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). In particular, the Authority listed all the persons obliged to appoint a DPO pursuant to Article 37 (1), b) and c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and underlined ....