DLP Insights

The draft renewal of the Confapi Engineering Workers Employment Agreement (CCNL Meccanici Confapi) has been signed

Categories: DLP Insights, Practice | Tag: SMEs, CCNL, Proposals, Renewal

24 Jul 2017

On 3 July 2017, the draft renewal of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for SMEs in the engineering industry was signed by Unionemeccanica, Fim, Fiom and Uilm and involves about 300 thousand workers. The draft specifies that (i) the Agreement will last four years and expire on 31 October 2020; (ii) the contractual increases will be measured using the final IPCA [consumer price index] figures net of energy prices, and paid in November 2017, with regard to 2016. For the subsequent years, they will be calculated and paid in June every year for the rest of the contract period; (iii) there will be a payment of a flexit bonus of Euro 150 for 2018 from March, and from January for the years 2019 and 2020 and also a one-off sum of Euro 80 to be paid in the salary for October 2017; (iv) the company’s contribution towards the supplementary pension fund will be increased by 0.2% from June 2018 and a further 0.2% from January 2020; (v) an integrated health fund will be instituted together with the EBM and the companies will pay Euro 60 per year from January 2018, with the possibility in June 2019 of verifying the ability of these amounts to meet the requirements of workers. Proposals have also been made to improve the rules governing professional training and the right to study, and important new conditions regarding health and safety in the workplace have been prepared and there will be a revision of the system of contractual levels. It is now down to the workers’ assemblies to ratify the draft agreement.

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