DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

The Italian Supreme Court, in its decision no. 807 of January 13, 2025, has once again addressed the legitimacy of employer monitoring of employees’ corporate email accounts. The Court reiterated that while an employer may access an employee’s company email, this action is only lawful if there is a well-founded suspicion of illegal conduct. Information ....

Categories: Publications

With note no. 9326 of December, 9, 2024, the National Labour Inspectorate (i.e. “Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro” or “INL”) provided an overview of the new sanctions regime introduced by Article 27 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 81/2008, as amended by Italian Decree-Law 19/2024 (converted by Law 56/2024). This regime applies to all violations concerning the ....

Categories: Publications

In its ruling no. 2058 of January 29, 2025, the Italian Supreme Court confirmed the legitimacy of a just cause dismissal for an employee who had publicly defamed her superiors via social media. The case and the first-instance decision This case concerns an employee who was dismissed for just cause after posting defamatory statements on ....

Categories: Publications

On 20 February 2025, Decree-Law No. 6/2025, known as the ‘Decreto Milleproroghe’, was definitively approved by the Chamber of Deputies, which once again intervenes on fixed-term contracts, in particular on the reasons justifying such temporary employment relationships. The Decree extends until 31 December 2025 the possibility for private employers to enter into fixed-term contracts exceeding ....

Categories: Publications

Italian Law 104/1992 grants employees paid leave to assist family members with disabilities, with the cost covered by INPS (the National Institute for Social Security). However, misuse of this benefit has led to judicial investigations to identify potential violations of the law. Case law has helped clarify what constitutes abuse.  The law grants leave for ....