
Categories: Publications

Workers who are citizens of countries outside the European Union and who come to Italy to work are regulated by specific provisions, under which the Ministry of the Interior sets and limits the annual entry quotas. The provisions also ensure that highly qualified personnel can benefit from ad hoc exemptions from these quotas, allowing them ....

Categories: Publications

In judgment no. 32412 of 22 November 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation dealt with the lawfulness of a dismissal by the formal employer of a worker employed under a sham outsourcing contract. A worker brought legal proceedings to obtain a declaration of the existence of an employment relationship with the principal company, and that, ....

Categories: On focus, Publications

On Wednesday 24 April 2024, MEPs adopted the text of the new Directive on the working conditions of platform workers. As can be learned from the press release published on the Parliament’s institutional website, the Directive “aim[s] to ensure that platform workers have their employment status classified correctly and to correct bogus self-employment”by introducing “a ....

Categories: Publications

On April 11, Vittorio De Luca will attend as a panelist at the Annual IBA Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2024 during the panel entitled: “Panel: Breakout session one: Legal obligations in a borderless workplace”.A) for the Annual IBA Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2024. FOCUS The rise of digital nomads, satellite employees and Employers ....

Categories: Publications

With its order of 4 January 2024, the Court of Ravenna referred to the European Court of Justice the judgment on the Italian legislation on the calculation of absences from work caused by disabling diseases in the protected period (periodo di comporto). The question posed to the European Court of Justice can be summarised as ....