Categories: Publications
1. DIGITAL REVOLUTION AND LAW The emergence of technologies using artificial intelligence systems has ushered in a new round of debates on the key ethical, social and legal issues surrounding the use of such technologies and their consequences. Modern technologies – with their increasing impact on society and customs – pose the issue of devising ....
Categories: Publications
Failure to comply with the time limits laid down in the Italian national collective bargaining agreement for the notice of the letter of dismissal constitutes a procedural breach resulting in the application of the indemnification penalty under Article 18(6). The Italian Court of Cassation, with the recent judgment No. 10802 of 21 April 2023, once ....
Categories: Publications
With the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of Directive 2023/970 which introduces new employee protections and new employer obligations on equal pay and transparency ‘the Member States of the European Union have the obligation to adapt their local laws by encouraging (and also imposing) pay transparency also in the private employment ....
Categories: Publications
By order No. 12241 of 9th May, the Labour Division of the Court of Cassation decided on the validity of disciplinary termination of an employee of an IT company who had refused to further study certain operating systems and to update the programmes used by a client. In the case at hand, the judge of the ....
Categories: Publications
Worker’s recidivism also taken into account for purposes of correct legal classification of conduct within context of just cause for dismissal. The Italian Court of Cassation, Employment Division, with judgment no. 15140 of 30 May 2023, returned to deal with the dismissal for just cause of a worker on a fixed-term contract for repeated negligence in ....