Categories: Publications
De Luca & Partners signed off on the Italian pages of the Employment & Labour Law guide, 2023 edition published by English publisher Global Legal Insights. The volume gathers information and analysis on employment trends, changes in the legislative framework, relevant rulings, and reforms in progress and under discussion in 18 countries. Aimed at General ....
Categories: Publications
Dismissal for just cause of worker who gives personal badge to others to certify (false) attendance at the company is lawful. The Italian Court of Cassation, by order no. 10239 of 18 April 2023, confirmed the decision taken by the Court of Appeal of Lecce which had held a dismissal for just cause of a ....
Categories: Publications
Decree-Law 48 of 4 May 2023, so-called “Decreto Lavoro“, which came into force on 5 May, lays down new measures to, inter alia, simplify the employment disclosure requirements to which companies are subject under the so-called “Decreto Trasparenza” (Legislative Decree 104/2022). Unlike in the past, some of the information that employers were bound to provide ....
Categories: Case Law, Publications
By judgment No 12132 of 8 May 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on the subject of dismissal for justified objective reason. The Court specified that in the assessments of the possibility of relocating the employee before proceeding with the dismissal (so-called repêchage obligation), the employer is required to take into consideration not only ....
Categories: Publications
The comparison between redundant employees can be limited only to employees of a unit or sector, subject to their ability, due to previous employment in other company departments, to perform the jobs of other colleagues – Employees bear the burden proof of showing that the various duties are interchangeable. The Italian Court of Cassation, in ....