Categories: Publications
By judgement no. 15644 of 23 November 2022, the Administrative Court of Lazio clarified, among other things, that the employer is the only person entitled to install audiovisual systems that may enable remote control of the workers’ activity. The case originated from the request of a company providing transport services for others, which, according to ....
Categories: Publications
As only geolocation data referring to kilometres travelled were considered, the interference in the applicant’s privacy was limited and proportional to the intended purpose. Dismissal by an employer based on the data from the geolocator of an employee’s company car is lawful and the collection and processing of the relevant data does not result in ....
Categories: Publications
The draft legislative decree to transpose the EU directive on whistleblowing has been approved. As the fight against corruption and the protection of whistleblowers progresses this year, those who decide to report wrongdoing, whether in the public or private sector, will be able to do so relying on greater protection. In early December, the government ....
Categories: Publications
The Italian Court of Cassation, in judgment No 31150 of 21 October 2022, in line with its own precedents, clarified that the prior display of the disciplinary code is not necessary for the validity of the disciplinary dismissal of an employee for performing personal activities during working hours, leaving his workstation without permission and using ....
Categories: Publications
In the event of repeated absences – which have not exceeded the limit of the protected period – the onus is on the employer to prove the additional reasons justifying the dismissal. Dismissal based on an employee’s repeated absences from the workplace on days close to rest days and/or public holidays constitutes an unfair and ....