Categories: Publications
By order no. 24977/2022, filed on 19 August 2022, the Italian court of Cassation held that a notice sent by the Employer to the Unitary Workplace Union Structure (RSU) regarding the staff holiday plan cannot replace the individual notice. The notice, the Court ruled, must indicate, for each addressee, the time period in which s/the ....
Categories: Publications
On September 14, 2022, the European Parliament finally approved the directive implementing the minimum wage principle in the European Union. The directive was also finally approved on October 4 by the Council of the European Union. The goal is to ensure “a reasonable standard of living”, the directive states. The latter does not provide for ....
Categories: Publications
The outgoing government focused on labour market regulation as part of its last actions. A choice made necessary by the impending economic crisis, which threatens to put a strain on the national production fabric and employment. The government intervened by issuing the Aiuti (Aid) decree (Decree Law 50/2022) and later the Aiuti-ter decree (Decree Law ....
Categories: Publications
Contracting a viral infection at work is treated as an illness covered by INAIL and proof of the aetiological link can be provided in court by rebuttable presumptions In its Order no. 29435 of 10 October 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the Palermo Court of Appeal’s ruling and provided a different interpretation of the evidentiary ....
Categories: Publications
A disputed written dismissal notice cannot be proved by witnesses, according to the Court of Cassation ruling no. 26532/2022. The dismissal is null and void for a lack of the required legal format In its order no. 26532 of 8 September 2022, the Court of Cassation stated that the power attributed to the Employment Tribunal ....