
Categories: Publications

More comprehensive information. Reference to collective agreements is insufficient The legislative decree implementing the European Transparency Directive (no. 2019/1152), which must be transposed by 1 August, guarantees workers detailed knowledge of the employment conditions and minimum guarantees of predictability in the conduct of the relationship. Referring to the sector’s collective agreement, which is the case ....

Categories: Publications

Diversity and inclusion represent one of the main challenges law firms have been called to fight globally, on one hand to promote the undisputable values they represent and, on the other hand, to properly bring into the work environment of the law industry one of the most important (if not the most fundamental) principles which ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Justice of the European Union (hereafter: “Court of Justice”), in its 19 May 2022 ruling Case C-33/21, stated that personnel of an airline company established in a Member State, who works for at least 45 minutes per day in an establishment located in another Member State, which coincides with the country of ....

Categories: Publications

Art. 2087 requires employers to take measures to prevent situations harmful to the worker’s physical health and personality based on experience, technology, and type of work. This “open” rule obliges the entrepreneur to adopt legal measures for specific and generic work risks based on common experience or necessary to ensure work safety considering the type ....

Categories: Publications

The new reporting obligations for workers that will come into force with the Transparency Directive (2019/1152) will apply to business relationships with a predominantly personal service, long-term consultancies, occasional service contracts and temporary employment. New obligations for employers and principals with the Transparency Directive, 2019/1152. The changes in the draft legislative decree were approved by ....