Categories: Publications
In ruling no. 19321, published on 15 June 2022, the Court of Cassation considered the dismissal for justified subjective reason for an employee who worked during leave for “serious family reasons” legitimate. In the case covered by the Court of Cassation’s ruling no. 19321/2022, on 15 May 2017, a worker requested to take leave from ....
Categories: Publications
Examination of the relationship between contractual and corporate welfare (where works and services are not subject to contributions and taxation) and the social security contribution obligation compliance document (DURC) which is indispensable for accessing the regulatory and contributory benefits provided for by the labour and social legislation Contractual welfare is the worker protection and welfare ....
Categories: Publications
The Court of Vasto (judgement 116/2022), has ruled that non-compliance, by the employer, of the commitment to reopen negotiations for the renewal of the company’s supplementary agreement, in breach of the conciliation agreement signed with a trade union organisation, constitutes anti-union behaviour. According to the Court, the conduct violated the principles of fairness and good ....
Categories: Publications
The Italian Data Protection Authority (“Garante”), in its 28 April 2022 injunction of 28 April 2022, imposed on a company in charge of managing the municipal waste collection service for the Municipality of Taranto (the “Municipality”), a € 200,000 fine for having entrusted processing personal data to a sub-processor without having requested and obtained specific ....
Categories: Publications
De Luca & Partners signed off on the Italian pages of the Employment & Labour Law guide, 2022 edition published by English publisher Global Legal Insights. The volume gathers information and analysis on employment trends, changes in the legislative framework, relevant rulings, and reforms in progress and under discussion in 18 countries. Aimed at General ....