
Categories: Publications

Six years ago, on 7 March 2015, the Jobs Act came into force, providing innovative protection if there is an unlawful dismissal for new employees under permanent contracts. At the time, this measure was considered revolutionary for the principles governing the existing protections. It intended to regulate the consequences of unlawful dismissal automatically and based ....

Categories: Publications

The Cassation Court, in ruling 3542, published 11/2/2021, reiterated case law – if there is no law requiring collective contracts be written based on the freedom of form principle – a unwritten company agreement is still valid. An agreement can be made verbally or by implication. Based on freedom of form and the literal interpretation ....

Categories: Publications

Non-competition agreement – Agreement nullity – Remuneration – agreement onerousness – Remuneration Determination/Determinability Court of Cassation, 1 March 2021, no.  5540 “Concerning the non-competition agreement entered into with an employee, the mere provision that the agreement is onerous excludes the extreme sanction of the agreement’s nullity may be applied if there is a financial imbalance ....

Categories: Publications

Employees who work a daily shift exceeding 6 hours, must be granted a substitute meal voucher if they are unable to use the canteen service or if, due to their job, they are not able to take a break. This principle expressed by the Court of Cassation, which, with ruling no. 5547 of 1 March ....

Categories: Publications

According to Supreme Court n. 4056 of February 16, 2021: “the aliunde perceptum is not exception in the strict sense and is therefore detectable ex officio by the Judge if the relevant factual circumstances are duly acquired during the trial. For this reason, the exception of deduction of the aliunde perceptum is not subject to ....