
Categories: Publications

An employment emergency measure package added to Italian Decree Law 137/2020 approved by the Council of Ministers on 28 October 2020, includes a brief extension of the emergency wages guarantee fund (both ordinary and derogatory) and wage integration fund (FIS) equal to six weeks that can be used from 16 November 2020 until 31 January ....

Categories: Publications

The Spanish Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree on remote working “Real Decreto-Ley 28/2020.” These are a set of provisions aimed at balancing employee and employer needs. It was published in the Boe – the equivalent of the Italian Official Gazette, on 23 September 2020. There are eight points of interest within the ....

Categories: Publications

Supreme Court no. 13613/2020 stated that: “The right of employee to paid annual leave must be considered a fundamental principle of EU social law, which cannot be derogated from and whose implementation by the competent national authorities can only be carried out within the limits explicitly indicated by Directive 2003/88. It is not compatible with ....

Categories: Publications

Faced with the pandemic emergency in progress, the Legislator and the Government have introduced rules aimed at safeguarding jobs, allowing the use of wage supplements and imposing a ban on dismissal for justified objective reasons pursuant to Article 3 L. n. 604/1966 and collective dismissal pursuant to Law no. 223/1991, except for the following hypotheses: ....

Categories: Publications

Under order no. 8265/2020, the Court of Cassation defined the representative requirements that a second-level company agreement must contain to be indisputable to third parties, including INPS (National Institute for Social Security). The order disallowed contribution reduction on performance bonuses based on a company agreement signed annually by the employer and a workers’ representative. Ruling ....