DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

De Luca & Partners, for the special Guida al Lavoro (Employment Guide), describes the legalities of remote or agile working, by tracing the regulations set down by Italian Law no. 81/17 examining in detail, inter alia, the right to disconnect, the requisites of the individual agreement required by the legislation in question, the employer’s control ....

Categories: Publications

As known, in our legal system the general principle of irreducibility of remuneration is applicable whereby the worker has the right to receive the remuneration agreed upon with the employer. In this regard, the Court of Turin, with the ruling no. 440 of 18 February 2015 had stated that “The principle of irreducibility of remuneration, ....

Categories: Publications

The so called “Decreto Rilancio” provides with also rules relating to health and safety at work. First of all, to facilitate the phase of the business continuity and restart, Decreto Rilancio establish two tax credits in favor of the employer that carries out intervention in order to prevent the contagion and to limit the risk ....

Categories: Publications

The fragmented regulatory framework is creating long delays and difficulties for multi-localized companies in accessing the derogated social shock absorbers (in Italian “Cassa integrazione Guadagni in deroga”, CIGD). The regulatory framework imposes on these companies conditions that are incomprehensibly more restrictive and procedures more complex for access to social shock absorbers than, for example, for ....

Categories: Publications

The provision included in article 42, paragraph 2, of the “Cura Italia” Decree (Legislative Decree No. 18/2020) states that the Coronavirus infection contracted in the workplace is treated as an accident at work. This qualification opens the way to profiles of relevance, in term of responsibility, of the conduct attributable to the employer for non-compliance ....