DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

The allocation of the burden of proof in appeals against verbal dismissal is once again in the spotlight. In fact, in judgment 3822 of 8 February 2019, the Court of Cassation reiterated, thus confirming its stance on the matter, that the burden is always on the employee to provide evidence (not always straightforward) of a ....

Categories: Publications

In judgment No. 436/2019 filed on 10 January 2019 the Court of Cassation confirmed that, based on the constitutional principle of freedom of private economic initiative (art. 41 of the Constitution), an entrepreneurial decision to eliminate a job position cannot be challenged. The Court passed the judgment in a case concerning a director of human ....

Categories: Publications

Draft law no. 726 (the “DL”), which introduces significant changes to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/01 is currently being examined by the Justice Committee of the Italian Senate. In particular, the DL provides that certain categories of organisation must have an organisation and management model (OMM231), and appoint a supervisory body (SB). This includes corporations ....

Categories: Publications

Contribution of De Luca & Partners on human resources as a sustainability objective. The HR is expected to have an increasingly substantial impact, as it can focus the whole organisation on ESG criteria. A sustainability trend was also identified in the projects that competed in the first edition of the Excellence & Innovation HR Award, ....

Categories: Publications

A worker was dismissed also on the basis of previous disciplinary offences. Nevertheless, the previous examples were not included in the employer’s disciplinary notice with a view to substantiating the existence of repeated misconduct, but were merely referred to in the notice of dismissal to provide support regarding the harm caused to their relationship of ....