Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
The sustainable approach to investments is increasingly the benchmark for virtuous entrepreneurs, who place sustainability issues at the center of their entrepreneurial decisions. This is also increasingly the case in relation to the management of their own staff. An indication of this has also come from the Excellence & Innovation HR Award, the prize for ....
Categories: Publications
With order no. 10043 of 10 April 2019, the Italian Court of Cassation again ruled on the requirements that need to be met for a series of actions taken by an employer to constitute mobbing, in the case reported by a manager who had declared himself to have been the victim of behaviour presented as ....
Categories: Publications
By 6 July 2019, Italy will have to adopt Directive (EU) 2017/1371 (the “PIF Directive”) on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests and approved on 5 July 2017 by the Parliament and European Council. Upon its adoption, VAT fraud will fall in the list of offences established by Legislative Decree 231/01. According ....
Categories: Publications
In its recent judgement no. 285 dated 1 February 2019, the Court of Milan ruled on the legitimacy of an employer’s conduct in requiring a candidate to submit a certificate of pending proceedings and whether the candidate must comply with the request. The case originates from the disciplinary proceedings initiated against a worker for not ....
Categories: Publications
On 10 January 2019, the Council of the national register of chartered accountants (“Ordine dei Commercialisti”), together with the Italian banking association ABI (“Associazione Bancaria Italiana”), the Consiglio Nazionale Forense and Confindustria, published a document titled “Consolidated principles for defining organisational models and the tasks of the supervisory body and the prospects for a review ....