DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

With judgement dated 15 October 2018, No. 25711, the Court of Cassation provided again its opinion on what are the requirements (and to which magnitude they are relevant) for a work relationship qualified as independent to be reclassified as employment relationship. The ruling originated from an appeal filed at the Court of Milan by eight ....

Categories: Publications

With a lawsuit filed at the Court of Rome, a worker claimed of having provided his work under employment conditions for two specific time periods for a company providing design, implementation and production of TV programs, as part of a broadcast and to have been dismissed verbally. Specifically, the appellant claimed (i) of having written ....

Categories: Publications

The 2018 Budget Law (Law no. 205 dated 27 December 2017) introduced in the “Code of equal opportunities for men and women” (Legislative Decree 198/2006) new protections against discrimination due to harassment, including sexual harassment, in the workplace. In particular, the Italian legislator – having taken into consideration the widespread occurrence of such conduct – ....

Categories: Publications

The 2018 online edition of the “International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration”, published by the Global Legal Group in partnership with the American Immigration Lawyers Association is now available. The publication includes the latest updates in the matter of corporate immigration in 30 countries of the world, and it is a helpful guide for ....

Categories: Publications

With its judgment no. 21569 of 3 September 2018, the Court of Cassation ruled on the consequences of disciplinary dismissal after expiry of the term set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The ruling originated from the appeal brought by a worker against his dismissal enforced after expiry of the term of 10 days set ....