DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation with judgement No. 17978 dated 9 July 2018 established that:  – recognition of compensation for non-material damages is not automatic in the case of a “demotion” if it is not adequately proven;  – when the employee alleges a demotion associated to a breach by the employer to meet the obligation established ....

Categories: Publications

Con sentenza 17 agosto 2018, n. 20761, la Corte di cassazione, Sezione Lavoro, è tornata ad occuparsi del licenziamento per superamento del periodo di comporto, confermando il proprio orientamento sui potenziali vizi formali che potrebbero inficiarne la validità. Nello specifico – tra le ragioni del ricorso – il lavoratore aveva denunciato la falsa applicazione delle ....

Categories: Publications

As established by the Budget Law 2018 (Law No. 205/17), effective 1st July, employers and private clients will have to pay to their workers wages/remunerations and any advance through traceable means. It will no longer be possible to pay by cash and this independently of the type of work relationship established. The law is clearly ....

Categories: Publications

On 23 April 2018, the European Commission formalised a proposal for a Directive for the protection of whistleblowers (Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Persons reporting on Breaches of Union Law) in all Member States. Its purpose is to standardise the laws currently in force in some Member ....

Categories: Publications

With judgment No. 11645/18, the Court of Cassation made clear once again its opinion on the relation between the right of criticism, protected under the Constitution, and the civil duty of loyalty and honesty in the relationship between employees and employers. In the case in question, an employee of a famous telephony company had been ....