DLP Insights

Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience

Categories: Publications

With judgment No. 11645/18, the Court of Cassation made clear once again its opinion on the relation between the right of criticism, protected under the Constitution, and the civil duty of loyalty and honesty in the relationship between employees and employers. In the case in question, an employee of a famous telephony company had been ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation, with judgement No. 10280/2018, handled once again a case of dismissal ordered due to disparaging statements against the employer and its representatives through Facebook. In the case in question, the judges of the court (Court of Forlì and Court of Appeal of Bologna) had already deemed legitimate the dismissal ordered to ....

Categories: Publications

The European Regulation on the protection natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data has abolished the minimum security measures that were at the basis of the “privacy policy” system and listed in Annex B of Legislative Decree No. 196/03. Pursuant to Article 32 of the Regulation, in fact, the Data Controller and ....

Categories: Publications

The European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data is entering into force. Starting from 25 May , 2018, the European Regulation will be fully operative, introducing many news on the matter of privacy; news that companies will have to deal with on a daily basis. First of all, the accountability principle is introduced: more ....

Categories: Publications

Con la sentenza n. 7581 del 27 marzo 2018, la Corte di cassazione è tornata ad occuparsi della discussa questione del cd. diritto di accesso agli atti nell’ambito di un procedimento disciplinare. Nel caso di specie, i giudici di merito avevano ritenuto illegittimo il licenziamento intimato ad un dipendente per aver svolto altra attività lavorativa, ....