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Categories: Publications
Il 25 maggio 2018 diventerà pienamente applicabile il Regolamento Europeo n. 679 del 2016 sulla protezione dei dati personali (“GDPR”). Ciò determinerà una uniformità della disciplina in materia di trattamento dei dati personali su tutto il territorio europeo. In tal senso, in Italia è stato approvato, in via preliminare, uno schema di decreto che abroga ....
Categories: Publications
In order to fight abuses against employees and money laundering – an offense detailed in article 25 octies of Legislative Decree No. 231/01 – article 1, paragraph 911 of the Law 205/17 imposes a prohibition on employers and private clients, effective from 1/07/18, to pay remunerations and wages by cash directly to the employee, regardless ....
Categories: Publications
With judgment no. 6047 of 13 March 2018 the Court of Cassation has dealt again with the issue of dismissals imposed during sick leaves, stressing that it is important for a worker to do all that he/she possibly can to put all of his/her efforts at the service of the employer in observance of the ....
Categories: Publications
Article 4 of the Workers’ Statute – Article 4 of the Workers’ Statute before the Jobs Act After more than forty years, the regulations established by article 4 of Law No. 300 dated 20 May 1970 of the Workers’ Statute on the topic of remote controls have been amended by article 23 of Law ....
Categories: Publications
On November 8 2017, the Chamber of Deputies cast its final vote approving European Law 2017, comprising 30 articles among which there is the introduction, as part of Law Decree 231/01, of article 25-duodecies. In particular, the regulation introduces among the offences detailed in the Law Decree 231 those of Racism and Xenophobia, as per ....