Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
With judgement of the Court of Cassation No. 1574 dated January 23 2018, the liability according to article 2049 of the Civil Code regarding accidents in the workplace has been confirmed to fall on the transferee company with consequent reimbursement of damages, given that it is the entity that undertook direction and control of the ....
Categories: Publications
On 29 December 2017 the so-called Whistleblowing law has entered into force and it has been published on the Official Gazette No. 179 dated 14 December 2017 after having been approved on 30 November. The law, which comprises only three articles, has the specific goal of introducing protection measures in our legislation, for employees (public ....
Categories: Publications
La Suprema Corte con sentenza n. 82 del 4 gennaio 2018 occupandosi di una richiesta di danno da demansionamento...
Categories: Publications
The sixth edition of the Employment & Labour Law guide, updated to 2018 and extended to 29 countries around the world, was made available a few days ago. The book, published in English by Global Legal Group publisher, is a summary of the trends in the labour market, legislative changes, recent court judgments, employers’ decisions ....
Categories: Publications
On 25 May, 2018, the European Regulation on the protection of personal data will become fully operative. The Regulation has the primary goal of harmonizing the protection system in terms of privacy at the European level, focusing on the concept of accountability of the Data Controller (in this case, the individual company). This concept entails ....