Comments and tools from De Luca & Partners’ experience
Categories: Publications
In a recent judgment, the Court of Fermo has maintained that, on the administrative responsibility of entities, there is no automatic mechanism that “makes the criminal responsibility of the legal representative of an entity result in the responsibility of the entity itself” regarding the crime referred to in Article 25 septies, Legislative Decree no. 231/01. ....
Categories: Publications
The total number of people employed in Lombardy has reached a total of 4 million units, thus exhibiting a...
Categories: Publications
Il Tribunale di Milano, con ordinanza del 13 giugno 2017, ha statuito che non legittima il licenziamento la condotta...
Categories: Publications
The Italian Parliament, on May 10, 2017, approved a draft law on the protection of self-employment and flexible labour, which has been in force since June 13. The new legislation includes an entire section dedicated to the new method of performing work, according to the provisions of the so called “smart working”. Article 22 of ....
Categories: Publications
La sezione lavoro della Corte di cassazione, con la sentenza n. 4262 del 17 febbraio 2017, ha affrontato il tema della legittimità del...